These breeds will be affected the most by our upcoming changes! Read the following to find out why?!
I want to start off by saying that our first year open has been amazing! We appreciate all of the support in the growth of Vroom Grooms LLC from our clientele! September 5th 2023 was our first day in business! Though we did not have our first dog grooms till two days later, September 7th, Bucky the cavapoo and Sooty the yorkie! We cannot explain how much gratitude we have toward everyone who has stuck with us from the beginning!
With that out of the way I want to change the subject to why this post was originally created. Our pricing. Yes, we are currently the lowest by the best of my knowledge for doodles and poodles mobile grooming… Now that we have more experience operating and seeing our budgets. We now understand that somethings have to change in order for us to keep going!
So, with this experience we now know that doodles and poodles are the most time consuming and costly for a groomer to work on. We all love a big fluffy doo! But with those big fluffy doos, they require more maintenance! Sometimes those fluffy doos are not realistic for owners. With a busy schedule, work, kids, LIFE in general and so on. We find that it is harder for owners to keep those fluffy doos brushed and combed out thoroughly. Not to mention the amount of work the groomer has to do along with the amount of product used on these dogs! As stated on our Terms and Conditions page, (in other words) we are not here to cause harm to your dog. We are here to help you maintain your dogs hair/fur. We do not get paid enough to torture dogs and never will.
Vroom Grooms LLC is here to provide a one-on-one experience for your dog. To gain trust. An to show them that it’s okay to befriend their groomer! We encourage a good experience. We offer treats (as long as they do not have allergies), pets and scratches as physical rewards and of course verbal rewards!
To adjust the pricing vs the time, effort, and product for doodle and poodles we will be placing these breeds in their own price range. These prices may be shocking to some. But we want you to know that we have done our research and calculated everything in proportion of the service given for these breeds. The terms and conditions will still apply (and for time and overage costs). You can see those under the bone tap located at the top rite of our website,
Vroom Grooms LLC has an abundance of these breeds on a waiting list. More and more come in daily. We cannot keep up with them without upsetting current regular clients. Please keep checking in on our website for updates on pricing adjustments!